One Year Carnivore Anniversary and Results

One Year as a Carnivore

One Year as a Carnivore

Yesterday was my one year anniversary on the Carnivore Diet. I’m pretty psyched and proud of myself and really happy about my continued success and have loved the delicious food. When I first heard about this strange diet I thought I would really miss my veggies! But that was not the case. I felt so nourished by this all animal product diet, vegetables paled in comparison. I was surprised!

Let’s just review,  What is the Carnivore Diet?

  1. Meat

  2. Seafood

  3. Organ meats

  4. Eggs

  5. Dairy products

That’s is. That means no veggies, no fruit, no vegetable oils, nothing that doesn’t come from an animal.

That said, what have been my results? If you read my last blog, you already know some, but I’ll make a whole list.

Results of One Year on the Carnivore Diet

  1. I feel stronger and more energetic, I have energy like I’ve never had before! I’m 65 years and I feel better than I did at any other age!

  2. I can fly in planes and have no ear pain!

  3. I have a new found confidence and organized thoughts. Before carnivore I was never able to repack our suitcases when we travelled. We’d be staying in a hotel and I just couldn’t conceive on how to organize our toiletries into the toiletry case, or even pack our clothes back up in the suitcase, or I couldn’t even zip the suit case closed. My husband would have to do it all! On our last trip to teach, I could easily pack up everything and get us ready for our next travel in the car! I’m just not easily confused anymore. That’s healing!

  4. This next one is a huge healing to me. I no longer have “Highway Hypnosis”. Before carnivore if I tried to drive on trips, after about 20 minutes behind the wheel I would fall asleep. When I was trying to drive, I had to have something hot to drink to keep me awake. On our road trip before this last one, I was too afraid to even try to drive! But on this trip across the country I drove for hours, without anything hot to drink, after several hours I only stopped because I could tell my husband really wanted to drive. And I even drove fast! Amazing!

  5. I have lost fat and I’m at my more than ideal weight. I feel really comfortable in my clothes! I’ve never been overweight and I haven’t had my fat tested, but I feel really good in my body.

  6. Also, before I started the Carnivore Diet my naturopath wanted to diagnose me with hypothyroidism because my level was slightly low. My only symptoms were that I got cold easily and my hair was falling out too much. Since I stated eating this way, I don’t feel chilled easily and my hair stopped falling out!

Now to make it really interesting! Even though I’ve been regularly using Meditation for the last 41 years, since I was 24, but 5 months ago I started using Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations, several times a day. I’ve been seriously studying his books, lectures and courses. The basis of his work is that you really do create your own reality with your thoughts and feelings about that reality and how you can create a whole new body!

So, all of these improvements I speak of are actually a result of my diet and my new meditation practice!

Future Endeavors: I am now on the PaleoKetogenic Diet or PKD practiced at the PaleoMedicina Clinic in Hungary. At this clinic they treat cancer, autoimmune diseases, and type 1 diabetes. The diet seems to heal many conditions with strict adherence to the program. The type 1 diabetics who have healed were newly diagnosed. Those who are newly diagnosed still have some beta cells, the cells that produce insulin, alive. So this diet is able to correct the need for external insulin being injected. Many people travel there to take part in treatment. Dr. Zsofia Clemens was interviewed by Dr. Shawn Baker, a popular proponent of the Carnivore Diet. During the interview,Dr. Zsofia Clemens, intimated that it could take a month to heal the intestinal permeability and to start to have improvements in your health. I want to say, I’m am not presently under their care, but to the best of my ability I will be following the diet. So here’s my interpretation of the diet.

  1. It’s an all animal product or carnivore diet

  2. The fat to protein are very important, 2 grams of fat to 1 gram of protein

  3. Organ meats, like liver, heart, brain, tongue etc are included every day

  4. Now for the no’s —— No coffee, no dairy!

 If interested you can further access their protocol on the website there you can have Skype appointments to be individually treated or to buy a copy of their diet and see pictures of the food they serve at their clinic.

So, there you have it!

That’s my plan for the next month, I’ll let you know how it turns out in my next blog.

Visit me on Instagram @aimeefieldsperrin or FB @Aimee Fields Perrin or FB messenger, or here! Send me a direct message,, I’ll answer! 

Scrambled Eggs and Pork Belly, a perfect meal for my experiment

Scrambled Eggs and Pork Belly, a perfect meal for my experiment

Pork Tenderloin with Beef Liver and Bacon

Pork Tenderloin with Beef Liver and Bacon

Brisket and Pork Belly

Brisket and Pork Belly

More Success Eleven Months of Carnivore

More Success Eleven Months CarnIvore

On our way from Italy

On our way from Italy

On our just completed trip across the Atlantic Ocean to teach painting in Russia and Italy, I saw even more improvements in my health capacity that I had previously been unaware. Every time I see new health improvements, I am pleasantly surprised. 

In Moscow’s Red Square

In Moscow’s Red Square

  1. I had no ear pain while flying! Previously when I anticipated having to fly, I dreaded the experience. For as long as I can remember intense pain was involved in flying. My ear pain during takeoff and landing was extreme. I bought EarPlanes, like I have used before but they aren’t completely successful, so I was not psyched to take the trip, or any trip that involved flying! As I boarded the plane I decided to not use the EarPlanes I had in my purse just to try out the state of my ears on an airplane. To my surprise I had no pain! I had healed my flying ear pain!  A little history, for the whole first 6 months I was eating my new carnivore diet I coughed up mucus all day long. Really, every day, all day coughing up slimly mucus. Then it stopped! I’m believing that all the mucus was a sort of detox cleaning out the effects of eating copious amounts of vegetables for years and years. It’s not that I think vegetables are toxic, I just can’t argue with the results.

  2. No more JetLag. Really We flew to Russia and neither one of us were tired at any time. And then we flew to Italy a shorter flight for sure, and still no jet-lag! We were just ready to work and have fun. After our 2 weeks of travel, we get home after a 9 hour flight, an hour in homeland security re-entry and an hour in customs where they confiscated my cured meat from Italy, an hour long bus ride to our car and unpacking when we arrived home after a 30 hour day at 10pm, in bed by 11pm our home time, but 5am Italian time. We were tired but not that much! A arose the next day after a good night sleep at about 7am ready for a productive day.

  3. Now a few words about the ease of travel on this excellent diet. In Russia I couldn’t really find delicious cooked eggs and bacon until our last day. But I was always able to find good real protein. In fact there were restaurants where delicious burgers were available. I learned not to expect to be able to ask for changes from the offerings on the menu. If there was a bacon-cheese burger I could order it and just take all the offending foods, the bun and vegetables and put them on the side and eat the meat. Now in Italy circumstances were different. Every meal we either ate at the hotel restaurant or we were taken to a chef owned special cafe, enotecca, osteria, or ristorante. Breakfast was beautiful scrambled eggs, scrambled in olive oil, which of course is not an animal food, but I easily made an exception. The eggs were very dark yellow and were delicious. Sliced ham and cheese were served at breakfast but they were no substitute for my beloved bacon. Lunch and dinner were a different story. Piero, our tour director, knew everyone in town including all the chefs/owners of the places in town, Sant’Angelo in Vado. He talked to each chef making sure I would have meat or cheese  to eat while everyone else was eating pasta and gnocchi. My problem was that in Italy they serve at least 3 courses for even simple meals. So the first course might be cured meats and several different delicious cheese, which would be all I would need. I would test my blood, when I usually plan my insulin injection, but I would never know how much to take or how much more the chef would bring. The second course might be a variety of grilled meat, again enough for a whole meal, and then the third course could be roasted rosemary chucks of beef. All delicious, and the chef would look hurt if I refused any of it! So I basically overate at all lunches and suppers. My blood sugars would run a little high and then I would have to take another shot of insulin to bring my blood sugars down. The improvement I will cite is that my blood sugars were never stubborn, they would always come right down and I always felt in control!

  4. One last pleasant surprise. While in Italy we both thought we had eaten so, so much that we had probably gained weight. It wouldn’t have been horrible if we had, because both of us are a little underweight, and feel very comfortable in our clothes! I ate course after course of meat and all kinds of delicious cheeses, I thought sure I would have gained at least a few pounds. And my husband, figuring he was in Italy and that he was going to cheat on his carnivore diet, ate several desserts, anything that contained cream that could pass for quasi carnivore. He tried pasta once or twice and didn’t really care for it! He also ate quite a few veggies, lots of wine, appertifs and Prosecco. I’m not sure if anything has to do with the carnivore diet but I lost one pound and my husband gained less than half a pound.

Conclusion— After 11 months on the carnivore diet and a European trip, I’m still eating Carnivore, still enjoying this way of eating and still expecting pleasant surprises. 

Breakfast in Moscow

Breakfast in Moscow

Moscow dinner burger

Moscow dinner burger

Breakfast in Italy

Breakfast in Italy





And more secondo?

And more secondo?

Somehow staying lean in Italy!

Somehow staying lean in Italy!

Six Month Carnivore Success

​I figured I’d write a progress blog to let everyone know how I’m doing continuing my carnivore experiment. First off, all of life is an experiment, that’s it. I’ve been eating all animal products for 6 months now.

What I eat: eggs and bacon for breakfast. Usually 1/2 a steak and butter for lunch. And burger and egg scramble with pork belly for supper.



I’m very much enjoying this diet. I’ve had some good results. My sleep is better, and I started dreaming more, my energy and vitality for life has increased. The floaters I had in my eyes are almost completely gone. I had a patch of flaky, painful skin that had been on my eyebrow for several years and its completely gone, healed. My fingernails are growing stronger. I’m not sure if that’s from the diet or if it’s because there are so few dishes to wash!! I’ve lost about 3 pounds, but I wasn’t trying to lose any, really. I’m building nice muscles just from doing a few pushups. Speaking of pushups I want to let you know about my next experiment.

Starting tomorrow my 6 month carnivore anniversary I will stop drinking coffee, eat no cheese and do 100 pushups every day and walk about 15,000 steps. These are either stair push-up or knee pushups, done 25 at a time throughout the day.

So who wants to join me?

30 day Experiment, while eating a full carnivore diet

  1. Drink no coffee
  2. Eat no dairy products except butter.
  3. Do 100 pushups each day. What ever kind you can do and they can be broken up anyway you want. I do 25 before each meal and before bed.
  4. I’ll add, about 15,000 steps or two 30 minutes walks and two 15 minute walk each day.

That’s it! Who wants to join me?

The 30 days start May 12- June 12, actually 31 days!


My Goal is Simplicity


My Goal is Simplicity

I do everything in my powers to make the treatment that is required by type one diabetes to be as simple as possible. So simple that most of the time I can feel like it’s not even there.

Now on my 100th day on the Carnivore Diet, I have decided to keep it going. I’m not actually saying that it’s the best diet for people with Type One Diabetes. Yet I am saying, that for me, right now the Carnivore Diet is working for me

I’ve been actively searching health and diets for the last 42 years, reading books on health and trying the next promising, health promoting diet.


Since I graduated from college and then studied for myself instead of for my teachers, I’ve probably read over 300 books written about creating health.

Now I’ve ended up on the Carnivore Diet, or the Ultimate Elimination Diet.

This diet eliminates all foods that anyone could have a sensitivity to. Although I eat meats, I also eat eggs, and right now grass-fed butter and sometimes cheese.

I’m happier than I ever imagined I would be on this simple diet. Cook meat, eggs the way you like them. Buy the cuts of meat you like. Learn how to cook meat and then see how you feel.


I’m feeling really good eating this way. My insulin requirements are still low, even though they have raised a little. My blood sugars are very steady and I’m happy. One more simple adjustment in my life.


Wouldn’t It Be Nice

Wouldn’t itbe nice if:

My hands open and lay flat.

My feet have no nodules.

I have healthy gums.

I see clearly

My floaters go away.

My cherry hemangioma goes away.

I’ve reduced the amount of insulin daily

I sleep well and wake refreshed

The skin on my body has tightened.

My belly fat has gotten smaller.

I feel happy and energetic.

My eggs and bacon breakfast is already a carnivore meal.

My eggs and bacon breakfast is already a carnivore meal.

I contemplated this list for a while before I wrote it. My husband helped me come up with the “Wouldn’t it be Nice” idea for the title. These are the conditions that I’m hoping to attract by starting to eat Zero Carb. If you know me you know that I am aware of the Law of Attraction, and I know if I list all the issues I currently have in my body/mind, I might continue to have them. So, hence this positive list of what I want.

Some people call this diet the Carnivore diet, the all meat diet, the zero carb diet. There are issues with whichever title we choose. The term “Carnivore Diet” sounds so “tearing of the flesh”. The “All Meat Diet” is ok, but I plan to eat eggs, cheese and butter. “Zero Carb Diet” is a step farther than low carb, but eggs have a small amount of carbs and cheese also has a small amount of carbs. So, maybe a list is better.


Steak, butter, bacon? I’ll take it!

Steak, butter, bacon? I’ll take it!

What I plan to be eating on my next experiment:


Fish and shellfish





Culinary herbs, maybe



Lunch is usually meat, fat and veggies, so I’ll be dropping the veggies. Supper, now supper is my issue. If you’ve followed me for any length of time you know about my Butter Mashup. Now I’ll have to give that up. That’s giving up chocolate and nuts and stevia, and superfood powders. Can I do it? I was already questioning “Are powders real food?”

I guess we’ll see. My main goal is to be happy and further my health journey.

I plan on writing blogs when I see progress. And I’ll certainly let you know how I’m doing on Instagram @thebuttereatter_t1d and FB Aimee Fields Perrin.

Keto Party Food


I’ve hesitated sharing these recipes, but I promised my peeps I would share, for several reasons. So here I go.

Every party I prepare food for is always low carb and Keto. I take this life seriously! If I eat this way because I believe it is the healthiest for all people and not just people with type one diabetes. It has been reported that 80% of all people are blood sugar challenged, so welcome to low carb partying! 

In this blog I will be sharing my Pesto Tower, my exclusive Rosemary Kimchi Crackers and Magic Hearts and Salted Almond Chocolates.

Pesto Tower 

While meditating the other day, I remembered where I first saw the Pesto Tower! I had Susan Branch’s Heart of the Home beautiful cookbook. Somehow I have lost it with the moves over the years, so it took me a while to remember. My recipe for pesto is very different, but I certainly want to give Susan Branch total credit for the idea for the tower and the genius production of how to mold it! 


The mold for the tower is a flower pot lined with damp cheese cloth. You make the cream cheese/ butter part and then make the pesto and then layer them.

This recipe filled 2 flowerpots, about 8 inch high and 6 inches across.

3, 8 oz organic cream cheese

1 lb of the best butter you can find, I get raw grass fed butter from a local farmer. Certainly if you can find that, it’s the best, but Kerry Gold is fine too.

Cream these in your food processor until very smooth and creamy. Remember to leave these on the counter until they are softened.

Clean and dry you food processor and then make the pesto.


When I make pesto I have to eye ball it, because no bunch of basil is the same, but what ever you come up with will be delicious.

14.5 ounces hard cheese like Parmesan, cut up into half inch cubes and grind in food processor.

Add 14.5 ounces walnuts and grind with cheese

Add 1.7 ounces cut up garlic

Add 2 large bunches basil, wash and dry the basil on paper towels and pinch off leaves and add to food processor.

Add 1 cup olive oil

1teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste.

Line the flower pots with your damp cheese cloth, start putting in the first layer of cream cheese/butter and smooth it with a spoon, then add a layer of pesto and smooth it with a spoon. Continue layering until you’ve filled the mold or molds. Cover with the ends of the cheese cloth and place in the fridge. I usually make this a day before the party so it has time to get firm.

Serve with low carb crackers, or raw veggies. It will last indefinitely in the fridge. I’ve never done it but you could probably freeze the leftovers too!


Low Carb Rosemary Kimchi Crackers

I have hesitated sharing this recipe for a long time. I invented this recipe when I was a raw vegan from 2003-2010 and built a Raw Food Snack company, called Aimee’s Livin’ Magic, around this and other recipes, like the chocolate recipes I’ve also decided to share. When my company closed in 2012, I had these amazing recipes that as it turned out, besides being raw, they were gluten free, grain free, sugar free and low carb. I was hoping to make a lot of money selling my recipes, but it’s 2018 and I’ve still got the recipes, so why not share them?


Rosemary Kimchi Crackers

3 cups sunflower seeds, soaked overnight in a bowl of water, then rinsed and drained.

2 cups almonds, soaked overnight in a bowl of water, then rinsed and drained

2 cups golden flax seeds, ground in a blender

2Tablespoons rosemary or dill if you want dill flavored crackers

1 1/2 Tablespoons Himalayan crystal salt

2 Tablespoons Garlic granules

2 Tablespoons onion granules

2 ounces whole garlic cloves

2 1/2 cups or 15 ounces Kimchi, my favorite is Real Pickles Kimchi, but you use your own or another brand as long as it is truly fermented

1 cup spring water

2 cups spring water

Process already soaked almonds in a food processor and place in large bowl.

Process already soaked sunflower seeds in food processor, dump in same bowl.

Place all the other ingredients in  food processor, except flax seeds, with 1 cup water. Process until well blended, and add to bowl.

Add the ground flax seeds to bowl.

Pour in the 2 cups of water.

Stir well.

I use the Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator. Take 4 trays, line with 4 teflex sheets. Measure about 2.5 pounds on each tray, including the weight of the tray. Or divide into 4 equal amounts. Pat out dough until flat and about 10x10”. Use a rubber spatula and be sure they are evenly flat. Score in to cracker shapes. I get 36 crackers from each tray.

Place each tray in the dehydrator, turn it on to highest temperature. When I was making these for raw foodists I used 125 degrees. But now I just use the highest temp, 165 degrees.

Dehydrate for 24 hours. Then turn each tray by placing an empty tray on top, holding both then flipping, to take the teflex sheet off. Continue to dehydrate until crispy, probably 2 more days.

Break the crackers up and place in air tight container.

It has been estimated that each cracker is 1 gram carb.

Enjoy with the best butter you can find, preferably from a local farm. Or the previous recipe of Pesto Tower.


At every party I host I always serve stevia sweetened chocolate. Everyone loves it.

When I had my company, I made 19 different recipes! Once you get the techniques and basic recipe down, you too can make different recipes and flavors using some of you favorite flavors or superfoods.

Magic Hearts

I use several 1” heart shaped molds, sheets of plastic, molds

2 cups of high quality cacao powder

2 cups raw organic cacao butter

1/2 cup Maca Powder

2 teaspoons Now Brand powdered stevia

2teaspoons vanilla powder

Place cacao butter in large glass measuring cup placed in a pot of hot water, on low heat on the stove, until it is completely melted and measures 2 cups.

Place all other ingredients in a bowl and stir.

Then carefully add the cacao butter, stirring until all the powders are stirred smooth.

Pour in molds, place on cutting boards and lay flat in your freezer.

When set, pop out of molds and serve.

I keep left overs in a bag in the freezer.

You can use any chocolate mold you’d like.


Salted Almond Bark

This beautiful and delicious chocolate was eaten so fast the last time I made it, I didn’t get a picture!

1 cup cacao butter melted

1 cup cacao powder

1 teaspoon vanilla powder

1 teaspoon pure organic stevia powder

1 teaspoon Dandy Blend

1 cup chopped dry roasted almonds

Pour in an 8x8” silicon square mold. Distribute almonds evenly.

Sprinkle with coarsely ground Himalayan salt.

Place in freezer on a cutting board for support. When hardened, pop out of mold and break in pieces.

💜💜💜 these are the recipes  for a Keto party.

Add  sliced hard sausage and sliced cheese, raw veggie sticks, and beverages. These recipes are near and dear to my heart. Treat them carefully.